About us
About us

Around 9 months ago, when we decided that we had to infuse the imaginary nostalgia of days spent in a foreign land into mainstream culture, we turned the pages of history and landed upon a concept that is 5000 miles and a 100 years away from today’s Chennai.

At the soul of world history & the 20th century, lay central London and its taverns that gleamed yellow amidst the industrial era’s coal and fire. The celebrations and festivities that were contained in those ale smelling walls were just something that every culture across the world could look at and envy then, as they do now. Reinvigorating the forgotten spirits of Victorian England’s taverns, what we’ve created is a culture house that brings scrumptious food, merry drinks & gung-ho emotions to 21st century Chennai. From black tailed coats to pocket watches and from crystal cut glasses to raw barrels of rum, we have birthed an experience that brings moments of past day England and Ireland closer to home.

Who are we ? A team of young stars trying to rock the food & beverage industry back into the onset of the 20th century. As Garrison’s windows gleam red with firelight from afar, we hope you find joy and happiness in the warmth within. Cheers, mate !

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